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Trucking Industry Payment Solutions

What is a EFS fuel card?

Learn more about Fuel Cards and other trucking industry standard payment solutions that offer easy and convenient methods for vendors and drivers to accept and make payment

How to use a efs fuel card
More About Fuel Cards

How to use a EFS Fuel Card

Similar, but different than a credit card, an EFS fuel card is used primarily by truck drivers needing to pay for fuel and other fees they encounter over-the-road. EFS cards for fuel are accepted at over 12,000 truck stops across the United States. An EFS fuel card for truckers can be used to purchase fuel and even initiate cash withdrawals. Additionally, an EFS card provides truck drivers discounts on fuel at certain participating locations.

Typically, an efs fuel card is issued by a carrier or trucking company to a driver. To use an efs fuel card, simply present the efs card when making a purchase where efs cards for fuel are accepted or can be used to pay other fees or withdraw funds from an ATM.

how to does efs fuel card work
Instant Funds for Truck Drivers

How does an EFS Fuel Card Work

EFS Fuel cards along with other fuel or fleet cards usually have some type of savings or advantages via pre-negotiated discounts for fuel, repairs and other routine expenses truck drivers face. Specifically, the EFS fuel card for truckers offers savings of up to 15 cents a gallon and may also provide other discounts on tires, wireless plans and maintenance at over 4,000 in-network locations.

There are different types of EFS fuel cards available that are designed to meet or be customized to a trucking business’s needs. To issue EFS fuel cards for truckers, the broker or carrier will need to determine which card best meets their needs, and then apply for the card and set up an account. Features range from pre-set purchase limits; authorization and fraud prevention tools; no fuel transaction fees and more. Once the card is received via mail, the EFS card is provided to the truck driver. The EFS card can then be used to make purchases at any location that accepts EFS fuel cards. EFS fuel cards provide an easy and secure way for brokers and carriers to manage over-the-road driver expenses as well as reduce fraud.

RoadSync Advance
EFS Fuel Card Alternatives

What is RoadSync Advance?

Keeping track of expenses and managing over-the-road payments for drivers comes with challenges. While EFS fuel cards and other fuel cards or fleet cards provide a lot of advantages, there are other options for pre-authorizing funds for drivers without having to issue a card that can provide even greater control, insights and security. One option is RoadSync Advance. RoadSync Advance is a digital payment management platform making it easier and faster for brokers and carriers to issue funds for drivers to pay accessorial, lumper, and other over-the-road fees. Instead of creating a new payment method, RoadSync integrates industry standard payment methods—EFS money codes and Comdata express codes for example—into one digital platform ensuring faster and easier payment transactions.

Purpose built for brokers and carriers, RoadSync Advance lets you easily pre-authorize funds for drivers notifying them via text when funds have been authorized for use. Simplifying the process, drivers don’t need to remember codes, cash, checks or even keep up with a company issued card to make payments.

Streamlining various trucking payment transactions, RoadSync Advance reduces late night phone calls and driver delays often caused due to errors and waiting around for payment code authorizations. Once payments are made, drivers can easily send receipts and back-office staff receive notifications of when and how money codes are used. RoadSync Advance gives you the insight and control needed to reduce fraud and accelerate reconciliation, in addition to satisfied drivers and customers who get where they need on time.

RoadSync Advance

Trucking Payment Tools Tailored to Your Industry

An easy-to-use digital payments platform with solutions to help reduce delays, fight chargebacks, secure and ensure payments and keep cash flowing whether you are a heavy duty repair and tow shop, lumper, warehouse merchant, or truck driver. 

  • Maximize Time & Seamless Delivery

    Ensure drivers get back on the road faster and spend less time at the dock with pre-authorized funds for fast and easy payments.

  • Pre-Authorization

    Issue funds in advance of driver deliveries, notifying funds are available via text and say goodbye to late night phone calls and authorization requests.

  • Fast, Direct Payment

    Via a text link, drivers generate a payment code—either EFS money code or Comdata express code, depending on your preferred method of payment to access pre-authorized funds for a quick and effortless payment transaction.

  • Better Oversight

    Email notifications and dashboard views provide insight into how and when funds are used giving you the control needed to reduce fraud and optimize future authorizations.

  • A Better Way To Pay

    Leverage industry standard and preferred payment methods—EFS or Comdata, to ensure your drivers not only have access to funds but can easily make payments.

  • Secure, Digital Trail

    With instant digital receipts and fund usage notifications, accelerate reconciliation and improve cash flow.


  1. Where can EFS fuel cards be used?
    EFS fuel cards can be used at a variety of locations across the United States. Truckers can use their cards to fuel up at truck stops, while fleet owners can use them at gas stations that accept major credit cards. An EFS fuel card also offers a wide range of discounts for tires, maintenance, etc. To find a list of locations that accept EFS fuel cards, simply visit the EFS website or give their customer service team a call.
  2. How do I withdraw money from my EFS fuel card?
    If you have an EFS fuel card, you can use it to withdraw money from your account. To do so, simply go to an in-network ATM and insert your card. You will then be prompted to enter your PIN. Once you have entered your PIN, you will be able to choose how much money you would like to withdraw based on authorization or funds available.
  3. Is EFS a credit card? EFS stands for Electronic Funds Source, and provides various payment methods such as the EFS fuel card which is similar but not exactly the same as a credit card. A credit card may be used at a variety of merchants where as EFS fuel cards can only be used participating truck stops and other locations across the United States for over-the-road expenses faced by truck drivers such as fuel, repairs, maintenance, tires and so forth.The card offers discounts on fuel, as well as discounts on other trucking-related services such as tires and repairs. The EFS fuel card is also accepted at most major trucking companies, making it a convenient way for truckers to pay for fuel and other expenses. For more information about the EFS fuel card, visit the website or call the toll-free number.
  4. Is WEX and EFS the same? EFS stands for Electronic Funds Source, and provides various payment methods such as the EFS fuel card which is similar but not exactly the same as a credit card. A credit card may be used at a variety of merchants where as EFS fuel cards can only be used participating truck stops and other locations across the United States for over-the-road expenses faced by truck drivers such as fuel, repairs, maintenance, tires and so forth.The card offers discounts on fuel, as well as discounts on other trucking-related services such as tires and repairs. The EFS fuel card is also accepted at most major trucking companies, making it a convenient way for truckers to pay for fuel and other expenses. For more information about the EFS fuel card, visit the website or call the toll-free number.
  5. How do I use my EFS fuel card?Once issued an EFS Fuel card, you may use your efs card on fuel at over 12,000 participating truck stops as well as a variety of other in-network locations to access discounts on diesel and other trucking-related services such as tires and repairs. The EFS fuel card is also accepted at a variety of trucking and logistics merchants, making it a convenient way for truckers to pay for fuel and other expenses.
  6. What are the best fuel card alternatives?
    There are a variety of fuel cards, also known as fleet cards on the market from the EFS Fuel card to well know gas stations such BP and Exxon. An alternative to a fuel card are fleet checks which require authorization codes and often paper fleet checks. Other alternatives includes a corporate credit, setting up a direct account with a fuel supplier or even cash. If you’re looking for a digital, paperless solution, RoadSync Advance is a digital payment platform that integrates industry standard payment methods like EFS and Comdata.
  7. What is RoadSync Advance?A digital payment management solution designed for brokers, carriers and their drivers, RoadSync Advance integrates industry standard payment methods such as fleet checks in the form of payment codes for either EFS or Comdata to easily and quickly pre-authorize funds for drivers. Utilizing either their EFS or Comdata account, a Broker or carrier, utilizes RoadSync Advance to pre-authorize funds via a payment code that is sent to drivers via text. The driver opens the link on their mobile phone to generate the payment code. Pre-authorized funds are applied to the payment and drivers spend less time waiting for fund approvals and dispatch receives less late night phone calls.
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What Our Customers Say

“RoadSync Pay is easy to use and given some of the previous challenges we faced, their team has been great ensuring we are comfortable with using the solution. In addition, the product has saved me time–I’m not having to bust my head trying to figure out how to pay lumper fees.”

— Cindy’s Logistics
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